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We must be the change
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Beiträge: 1.257
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Mitarbeiter/in Ausländerbeh.
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Antwort #30 - 05.10.2006 um 12:53:18
My husbands procedure is finished and that means that he can never enter Holland again...

But normally this would also be true for the whole Schengen area, there´s no difference between being in NL or in D., and that´s why your husband still´s got a Duldung. I still don´t understand why you don´t have your own insurance at a german company. If you work as a full time worker in Germany, your employer automatically has to pay taxes, pension fund and health insurance for you, namely in Germany. This is called gesetzliche Krankenversicherung in which spouses are entitled to join, like AOK or so. If you don´t have a german insurance then something must be wrong with your job. Why doesn´t your employer pay for german health insurance? Because this is the real reason you can´t get any help from german insurance companies and also the Sozialamt. If you have your own insurance via your job your husband will be able to join.
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #31 - 05.10.2006 um 19:33:58
brickbat schrieb am 05.10.2006 um 12:53:18:
But normally this would also be true for the whole Schengen area, there´s no difference between being in NL or in D., and that´s why your husband still´s got a Duldung.

If you don´t have a german insurance then something must be wrong with your job. Why doesn´t your employer pay for german health insurance?

As I already wrote, national law may be harsher than EU law. That's the case for spouse residence law in NL, DK.

Maybe her German job is worth not more than 400 EUR per month or lots of money. In the first case, she might not join AOK besides exceptions if she was bound to social health insurance in NL. In the second case, she might get AOK insurance but there mighzt be well a deadline to meet.

Regards, ULF
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We must be the change
we wish to see

Beiträge: 1.257
Geschlecht: female

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Mitarbeiter/in Ausländerbeh.
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Antwort #32 - 05.10.2006 um 19:53:45
Maybe her German job is worth not more than 400 EUR per month or lots of money. In the first case, she might not join AOK besides exceptions if she was bound to social health insurance in NL. In the second case, she might get AOK insurance but there mighzt be well a deadline to meet.

In the first case the question would be how a job with no more than 400 € could  be proof for the abillity to back up a livelyhood for a mother and 2 children. A 400,-- € job is not appropriate to get a Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung for 3 persons. In the second case her husband wouldn´t have gotten money from the Sozialamt, so I don´t think that´s the case.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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i love i4a

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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #33 - 06.10.2006 um 09:39:21
I am bound to my health insurance in Holland because our oldest son stayed in Holland because of his school, and the job i have is not that i earn a lot of money, im
working for somebody who is renting out apartments to people, im keeping everything clean and wash and al those small things, and for that i have free living
in one of the apartments and every month he pays me, but maybe the ammount that he pays me is not enoug to get insurance? i dont know that.

That my husband can not enter Holland is only for Holland not for all European countries.
And he has a SIS registration wich he dont suppose to have occording the EU law because my husband is married with a EU citizen.

And going back to holland with my husband is only an option if he get his stay first in Germany, dont think it will works if he only got a Duldung.

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We must be the change
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Beiträge: 1.257
Geschlecht: female

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Mitarbeiter/in Ausländerbeh.
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Antwort #34 - 06.10.2006 um 11:18:18
I guess, he pays you cash and without tax card? I´m afraid this doesn´t sound like a completely legal payment but some sort of exploitation... unentschlossen. Free living is a sort of payment and even if you don´t get more than 400,-- monthly the free living comes in addition to that and therefore obliges your employer to pay insurances and maybe taxes, but -of course- it´s cheaper for him the way it is and you are the one to pay the bill. No wonder you have problems with the authorities, I don´t think your husband will get his stay here that way.
EU citizens are free to move within Europe only if they´re able to earn a living for themselves and their family, and unless you are a wealthy person this includes a proper job and health insurance for the whole family.
Talk to your employer and ask him to give you a proper working contract with adequate wages and a rental contract for your room. Even if you don´t have more money cash at the end of the month you will have insurance for you and your husband. If he´s a nice guy he´ll agree. I honestly don´t see any other way to find a quick solution.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Junior Member

i love i4a

Beiträge: 15
Geschlecht: female

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #35 - 06.10.2006 um 11:29:57
I have a working contract, and yes he pays me my money in my hand but that is also what he filled on the contractpaper.
Is it not so that the lady of the auslanderbehorde suppose to have told me this, or otherwise not to have agreed with the contract i have shown her she said this contract is ok and she gave me my stay inmeadiatly.

But there is also some good news... or i hope so, my insurance company in Holland have agreed putting my husband on my family insurance polis and with that paper i have to go to the krankekasse so i hope everything will work out.

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Antwort #36 - 06.10.2006 um 14:11:50
Even though you have a working contract this is no proof that your employer pays e.g. "Rentenversicherung" for you. He can write anything in the contract and not pay it - and you will only notice it, when you try to get your pension in Germany and the BfA (Bundesanstalt für Angestellte) tells you that they don't have any dossier and payments about you.
It is the same with the unemployment insurance.

So your questions to your employer would be: Zahlen Sie Rentenversicherungsbeiträge und Arbeitslosenversicherung für mich ? Haben Sie mich bei der BfA gemeldet ?
(do you pay pension-fees and unemployment insurance fees for me and did you register me at the BfA?)

If you do not want to ask your employer directly, you can ask the BfA (they are in Berlin). But if you do so and you employer has not paid anything yet, he will get many problems.

(ik spreek ook een beetje nederlands)
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We must be the change
we wish to see

Beiträge: 1.257
Geschlecht: female

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Mitarbeiter/in Ausländerbeh.
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Antwort #37 - 06.10.2006 um 14:25:25
Is it not so that the lady of the auslanderbehorde suppose to have told me this, or otherwise not to have agreed with the contract i have shown her she said this contract is ok and she gave me my stay inmeadiatly.

Since I don´t know how your contract exactly is formulated I can´t say if she was supposed to have told you so. Is your free room part of the contract, too? And do you have a tax card? Imho she shouldn´t have accepted the contract, strictly spoken it´s a contract to `save´ taxes and insurance shares.
If you yourself are no member of the gesetzliche Krankenkasse your husband can only join on a voluntarily basis. They will make a health check beforehand and then either ask staggering contributions or simply refuse. The only way is for you to become a member by law via a job and take your husband with you, everything else will be unaffordable if possible at all. Who pays for your insurance in Holland btw? There is a Sozialversicherungsabkommen between NL and D., which means that, if you have insurance in NL, your company pays for you if you get ill in D, but I believe, this is only for tourist stays and not if you constantly live here.
Anyway,  I hope, things will work for you.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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i love i4a

Beiträge: 15
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #38 - 06.10.2006 um 18:12:07

So your questions to your employer would be: Zahlen Sie Rentenversicherungsbeiträge und Arbeitslosenversicherung für mich ? Haben Sie mich bei der BfA gemeldet ?

What if he did not do all of this... do I than have a problem? because i am insured
thru Holland and if it is good by next week my husband is also insured thru krankenkasse, can they than still refuse my husband his paper??
So the man i work for must pay an amount of money so that i will get krankekasse, does somebody know how much he have to pay for me to get this.

Sorry for all these questions, but for Holland everything is diffrent and i want to
be prepaired when i will go and speak to this man i work for.

(ik spreek ook een beetje nederlands)
  hoe komt het dat je nederlands spreekt?

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Junior Member

i love i4a

Beiträge: 15
Geschlecht: female

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #39 - 06.10.2006 um 18:24:25
When we went to the Auslanderbehorde i told them that somebody had a job for me,
I told them that i got free living and every month a payment of 300 euro
they told me that if the contract would say that i worked at least 10 hrs a week they
would agree and they did.
And biside this work I also make jewlery that i sell.

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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #40 - 06.10.2006 um 19:13:16
moos schrieb am 06.10.2006 um 18:24:25:
When we went to the Auslanderbehorde i told them that somebody had a job for me,
I told them that i got free living and every month a payment of 300 euro
they told me that if the contract would say that i worked at least 10 hrs a week they
would agree and they did.
And biside this work I also make jewlery that i sell.

Take this work contract, go to AOK, and you should get a German health insurance for yourself and your husband. (Well, they might still try to refuse your husband as he has no written Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU.)

Well, AOK, Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Bundesanstalt für Arbeit etc. might ask him why he didn't register this contract in time.

For your self-employed business, contact Finanzamt ASAP to get an Umsatzsteuernummer. You might be exempted from this Umsatzsteuer for small business.

Regards, ULF
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #41 - 06.10.2006 um 19:16:25
moos schrieb am 06.10.2006 um 11:29:57:
But there is also some good news... or i hope so, my insurance company in Holland have agreed putting my husband on my family insurance polis and with that paper i have to go to the krankekasse so i hope everything will work out.


Is it a Dutch health insurance company or something related to the State social security system?

Did they agree to pay for a stay in a German hospital for a husband who does not libve any more in the NL?

Regards, ULF
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #42 - 06.10.2006 um 19:20:01
moos schrieb am 06.10.2006 um 18:12:07:
So the man i work for must pay an amount of money so that i will get krankekasse, does somebody know how much he have to pay for me to get this.

Sorry for all these questions, but for Holland everything is diffrent and i want to
be prepaired when i will go and speak to this man i work for.

It's mor or less 7,5 % (of [300 EUR + the value of the flat rental] to be paid by your employer and yourself. Just for health insurance.

Add more %% for pension and unemployment insurance.

Regards, ULF
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #43 - 06.10.2006 um 19:26:02
moos schrieb am 06.10.2006 um 09:39:21:
I am bound to my health insurance in Holland because our oldest son stayed in Holland because of his school

Couldn't he get an extra insurance? Doesn't your NL insurance care about the fact you moved to D or do you still maintain a residence in NL? Isn't the NL insurance bound to a NL job?

Did NL include him for free to your insurance while you lived in NL?

In that case, you could make up a very interesting case in European law but with lower priority.

Regards, ULF
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Antwort #44 - 06.10.2006 um 19:35:33
Bitte nicht als Kritik sondern als Rat, Bitte , Hinweis auffassen:

Es gibt eine Vorschau-Funktion, es gibt mittlerweile die edit_Freigabe...

Was spräche dagegen, wenn die letzten vier Beträge als ein gemeinsamer veröffentlicht worden wären Zwinkernd  ?
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...      Sich täglich selber noch im Spiegel erkennen zu können, ist wichtiger als jeder Titel und jede Beförderung. -eigen-   Wenn nur noch Gehorsam gefragt ist und nicht mehr Charakter, dann geht die Wahrheit, und die Lüge kommt.                                                    Ödön von Horváth
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