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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Antwort #15 - 04.10.2006 um 12:31:17
to have the right is different than getting the right, we find out that my husband was sick on 3 of august and that day we got the letter from the internist that says that my husband need treatment quik or he will die in the comming months.
Now we are 8 weeks further and still no help... really no help at all, sure people feel
sorry for him and they are calling here calling there but no treatment at all, only
pain medicine that we buy ourself.
And the problem is we dont have the time to go to court, or to sent letter and wait again we are running out of time.


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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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i love i4a

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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #16 - 04.10.2006 um 12:43:31
I have a job in germany but i am in Holland now i have good connection with the person i work for, he gave me free time as long a i need because i am trying to get
help for my husband from Holland.

The sentence my husband got was 8 months
and because i am a woman and mother i got a work sentence of 240 hrs.

And like you said if my husband is a danger for societie than so am i, but they gave me my stay allready in june.

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Antwort #17 - 04.10.2006 um 14:44:51
The problem might be that you can not claim to benefit from the EU-laws (FreizügG), if you need social welfare from your EU host country. I think there is such kind of rule regarding EU citizens in other EU countries.

If somebody says that it's not his/her problem that your husband dies, then this might sound harsh, but simply might be a fact occuring from the law.
A german authority can not help you, if there is not a law on behalf of this help. Regarding the ABH: It's not their job to solve any health insurance problems.
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Antwort #18 - 04.10.2006 um 14:53:08
inge schrieb am 04.10.2006 um 14:44:51:
The problem might be that you can not claim to benefit from the EU-laws (FreizügG), if you need social welfare from your EU host country. I think there is such kind of rule regarding EU citizens in other EU countries.

Spouses of workers can join their health insurance for free. This must apply also for spouses of EU citizens. If the insurance accepted her spouse, there wouldn't be a problem.

Regards, ULF
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Antwort #19 - 04.10.2006 um 16:36:45
"Free" health insurance companies are NOT obliged to accept family members "for free".

@moos: Which is your health insurance company? A german "gesetzliche Krankenkasse" or a private german or dutch company?
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If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
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Antwort #20 - 04.10.2006 um 18:18:58

And like you said if my husband is a danger for societie than so am i, but they gave me my stay allready in june.

Your case is different because you´re an EU citizen and your husband is not.

Spouses of workers can join their health insurance for free. This must apply also for spouses of EU citizens. If the insurance accepted her spouse, there wouldn't be a problem

That´s right, in case the EU citizen is a worker.

Moos,  if you got your own EU stay in June you must have proved a certain income, enough for yourself and the kids, because this is the precondition to get an EU stay. Nevertheless your husband got some money from the Sozialamt, and that´s a bit of a problem: if somebody comes to Gemany and asks for social benefits shortly after his arrival (it´s not too long from June up to now) there is a strong suggestion, that he only came here for benefit reasons, and if so, the Sozialamt is entitled to refuse help. That´s why they said your husband should have stayed in NL. Just for the record: although you already have your stay, EU right entitles the Ausländerbehörde to take it back, in case preconditions have been dropped. German law commits spouses to provide maintenance for each other, so if your husband gets benefits that means you are no longer able to earn a living for your familiy, which is the precondition for your stay. There´s no difference between you yourself or your husband asking for benefits.
You should talk to your health insurance company again and immediately. Maybe Caritas or Red Cross are willing to interfere or ask some other local information centre for immigrants or even your local church . If they actually have the right to not let your husband join the next person in charge would be the dutch authorities I´m afraid to say. They have the responsibility to care for their citizens in the first place;  health- and benefits system in NL is as credible as it is here and actually there is no reason for you not to go back, except the sis-problem which is as much of a problem here. If the NL as your home country -and a neighbourhood country to Germany in addition- doesn´t see a reason to help their own citizens and their families then why should a host country be obliged to do so? That sounds really harsh and it´s not my intention to be rude or something; it´s just the way law works. I do hope things will turn out fine for husband.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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i love i4a

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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #21 - 04.10.2006 um 19:20:36
My husbands procedure is finished and that means that he can never enter Holland again, he was sick allready in Holland but they could not find out what was wrong with him sick or not he had to go.

We never asked for anny money or social, we only asked for help and treatment.
This money is aranged by the Migration office and the lawyer, we even refused the money but they said it is sick money to support my husband buying medicine.

Dont think that i pack my husband and children and left everything in Holland to go and live in Germany because they will give me 140 euro a month.
like you said before i had to prove a certain income that i can take care of my family and i did and i still do.
My husband is dying, so believe met when i am telling you that the last thing on my mind is how i can benifit the best of the German Government.

I am looking for a way to insure my husband and just like everybody i am going to pay for the bill.


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Antwort #22 - 04.10.2006 um 20:12:50
We never asked for anny money or social, we only asked for help and treatment.

There shouldn't be a problem in getting treatment. The problem only arises if you can't cover the costs, which wouldn't be unlikely if it's a life threatening illness.

Again: Which is your health insurance company?
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If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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i love i4a

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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
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Antwort #23 - 04.10.2006 um 20:28:20
I am insured in Holland.
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Antwort #24 - 05.10.2006 um 08:21:52
I am quite sure, that you get help from Caritas or Diakonie.

Please contact them immediately.
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Antwort #25 - 05.10.2006 um 11:28:51
moos schrieb am 04.10.2006 um 20:28:20:
I am insured in Holland.

Aren't you also insured at AOK, BKK, IKK through your job in Germany?

Regards, ULF
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Antwort #26 - 05.10.2006 um 11:33:52
moos schrieb am 04.10.2006 um 19:20:36:
Dont think that i pack my husband and children and left everything in Holland to go and live in Germany because they will give me 140 euro a month.

I am looking for a way to insure my husband and just like everybody i am going to pay for the bill.

How do they call that money? The normal social allowance is about 345 EUR.

Regards, ULF
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #27 - 05.10.2006 um 11:53:35
moos schrieb am 03.10.2006 um 12:28:35:

Im sorry but my German is not good so i will write in English and hope that people can help me.
I am from Holland and Married with a Nigerian and we are living in Germany (Hamburg) sins 1 april 2006 and we have 2 children.
I have my Freizugigkeitsgesets/EU sinds june 2006, because my husband had some  problem  in holland he got a SIS registration and the auslanderbehorde has given him Duldung 2 times, because they want to find out what happend in Holland before giving him his stay in Germany.
Now we find out that my husband is verry verry sick

It might be a case of Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz although your husband is not an asylum seeker in Germany.


The Sozialamt has to decide under which law (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz or SGB) they help your husband, they shall not refuse. I understand they know of his status and illness. Did they refuse help in written?

Was there any Dutch health insurance?

When your husband feels pain again, call the Notarzt, he will bring him to hospital. Again, they might ask you to pay partly or completely for medical costs if

1. you have money (they can't ask you to pay the very last EUR for that) and
2. you cannot convince the administration or court he should be insured with your German health insurance (if there is any) as a spouse.

Well, I believe your husband could legally start working and get his own AOK health insurance (as his EU family member residence & labour market rights do not depend on the paper given by the ABH but result directly from EU law and your status as migration worker) but it might be difficult to find an employer because employers should check the status of non-EU citizens.

Regards, ULF
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Antwort #28 - 05.10.2006 um 11:56:39
inge schrieb am 04.10.2006 um 16:36:45:
"Free" health insurance companies are NOT obliged to accept family members "for free".

I'm not sure what is a free health insurance as normally workers pay some percentage of their wages to AOK etc. but spouses and children can be covered by such an AOK etc. insurance without extra pay.

Regards, ULF
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Antwort #29 - 05.10.2006 um 12:01:51
moos schrieb am 04.10.2006 um 12:43:31:
I have a job in germany but i am in Holland now i have good connection with the person i work for, he gave me free time as long a i need because i am trying to get
help for my husband from Holland.

The sentence my husband got was 8 months
and because i am a woman and mother i got a work sentence of 240 hrs.

And like you said if my husband is a danger for societie than so am i, but they gave me my stay allready in june.

I don't believe they can refuse his residence status for this criminal conviction.

You might try to get the documents concerning his case (or to ask them to send them quickly to Germany).

You might try to re-immigrate to NL with your husband, he could benefit from the EU family legislation once you lived together in another member state.

You might try to convince your Dutch health insurance to pay for your husband in Germany.

But beside this I don't see much you could do for him in the NL while he is close to death in D.

Regards, ULF
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