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Language certificate for Niederlassungserlaubnis (Gelesen: 2.066 mal)
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i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 2

VolkartStraße, 42, 80636, Bayern, Germany
VolkartStraße, 42, 80636

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: Indian
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Language certificate for Niederlassungserlaubnis
06.07.2020 um 20:50:23
Hi All,

I am living in Munich since 2017 march and has actually applied for Niederlassungerlaubnis.

The requirements to apply this is B1 deutsch certificate, 21 months with a blue card work permit, proof of tax payments and last 3 months rent payment proof and stellen besreibung from the employer.

The first appointment was on 14.02.2020.

I was having all this documents and they ask me for a new document, detailierte stellen beschreibung. And after so many follow ups I got an appointment after three months to submit the same.
The behaviour of the concerned person , was not at all pleasing and was with a lot of attitude. I was really in a state of discomfort.
I receive a mail that, I must submit the last 3 months salary slip and proof that I am paying rent since I already sent the detialierte stellen beshreibung through mail.

After a long struggle i got my next appointment on 03.07.2020. and she said they are not working because of corona. So I show her my appointment and she asked me to sent the documents through mail so that she will give another appointment.
Now I have submitted all the papers through mail, which she asked me and I got a reply now that, my previously accepted language proof is not enough.
I have passed DAF 5 Deutsch für Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft 1 (Niveau B2), which is clearly mentioned in my marklist of my University(HFU)
Now she is asking for a german certificate from either Goethe or telc.
I am doubtful about her intention since many of my colleagues easily got Niederlassungserlaubnis using the same certificate which am having. What can I do now. Because of my name, everytime am getting forwarded to the same person. Kindly advice me friends.

Best regards
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I love i4a

Beiträge: 6.681

., Bayern, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsch
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Language certificate for Niederlassungserlaubnis
Antwort #1 - 07.07.2020 um 01:13:38
Krishna schrieb am 06.07.2020 um 20:50:23:
Now she is asking for a german certificate from either Goethe or telc.

Actually it is clearly stated in the AVwV that language certificates must be issued by a language school wich is associated with ALTE (Association of LanguageTesters  in  Europe ).
This is Goethe, TestDAF Institute and telc

certificates from other institutions need not to be accepted.

Krishna schrieb am 06.07.2020 um 20:50:23:
I am doubtful about her intention since many of my colleagues easily got Niederlassungserlaubnis using the same certificate which am having

maybe they did not only show the certificate but were also able to talk in German, showing their language skills.
Writing in English in a German forum aksing question related to German language skills however shows the opposite.

If you can not speak German, even 10 certificates from Goethe Institute and another 20 from telc would not help. Precondition is having sufficient German language skills and not having a certificate. A certificate hepls to testify the level, but no skills: no level - no matter what a certificate says.

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Gold Member

Beiträge: 5.265
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: sächsisch
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Language certificate for Niederlassungserlaubnis
Antwort #2 - 07.07.2020 um 12:30:33
Krishna schrieb am 06.07.2020 um 20:50:23:
I have passed DAF 5 Deutsch für Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft 1 (Niveau B2), which is clearly mentioned in my marklist of my University(HFU)

...und warum schreibst Du dann hier nicht auf Deutsch?
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i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 2

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Verlobt mit Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsche
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Language certificate for Niederlassungserlaubnis
Antwort #3 - 15.12.2020 um 12:43:57
erne schrieb am 07.07.2020 um 01:13:38:
Actually it is clearly stated in the AVwV that language certificates must be issued by a language school wich is associated with ALTE (Association of LanguageTesters  in  Europe ).
This is Goethe, TestDAF Institute and telc

certificates from other institutions need not to be accepted.

maybe they did not only show the certificate but were also able to talk in German, showing their language skills.
Writing in English in a German forum aksing question related to German language skills however shows the opposite.

If you can not speak German, even 10 certificates from Goethe Institute and another 20 from telc would not help. Precondition is having sufficient German language skills and not having a certificate. A certificate hepls to testify the level, but no skills: no level - no matter what a certificate says.

ja, Sie haben völlig Recht. Es kommt vor, dass eine Person wissen hat, und ein solcher Mitarbeiter wird auch ohne Zertifikat eingestellt. Die Hauptsache ist, die Sprache zu kennen

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