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Registration of marriage in standesamt (Gelesen: 9.709 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

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11.01.2013 um 11:08:34
I am currently working in Germany and my wife is here with me on dependent visa. In order to get class III tax card, I wanted to update my Marriage status in standesamt. They request for a certified translation of our marriage certificate. However, when I visited Standesamt with the certified translation of our marriage certificate, they additionaly asked for the translation of our birth certificates. The problem here is my wife does not have a birth certificate. I am going to work in Germany for 2 more years atleast. It is possible to request for a marriage verification in Standesamt without  my wife's birth cerificate? Our marriage is registered in India and we do have a Marriage registration certificate.

Thanks in advance
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Antwort #1 - 11.01.2013 um 12:50:01
There are 2 different things you should be aware off :

a) Marriage status
b) Re-registration (Nachbeurkundung at Standesamt) of marriage, which allows you to get a German marriage certificate; for this birth-certs are needed.

You don't have to do b)!

Your original marriage certificate should be valid, especially since your wife is here with a family reuinion visa. So (depending on your city), you can change your marriage status at 'Einwohnermeldeamt'; actually they should have done it when you registered your wife.

Changing of Tax class is done at Finanzamt. These are the people you have to talk to.

So, if you want you can do b) but then all the other steps still have to be done (and b) shouldnt be a prerequisite)
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Antwort #2 - 11.01.2013 um 13:29:11
tiggger schrieb am 11.01.2013 um 12:50:01:
So, if you want you can do b) but then all the other steps still have to be done (and b) shouldnt be a prerequisite) 

Actually this option is legally not possible if both of the spouses are non german nationals, and the marriage took place outside Germany. Finanzamt have to accept your indian certificate, at least when you have a translation of it (by accredited translator).
If they refuse to accept it, you have to insist and talk to the clerks supervisor.
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Antwort #3 - 11.01.2013 um 13:36:40
Märchenprinz schrieb am 11.01.2013 um 13:29:11:
Actually this option is legally not possible if both of the spouses are non german nationals

Correct! I forgot about that.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

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Antwort #4 - 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24
I very much appreciate your replies thanks a lot.

Both me and my wife are indians. So is it enough, if i just update my marriage status in Einwohnermeldeamt? When I did the city registration for my wife, I requested them to update my marriage status but they just asked me to visit Standesamt. I curently live in dortmund. How do i find where Einwohnermeldeamt for dortmund is located and what documents do they need to update my Marriage status. I have my original marriage certificate and also a certified translation of it with me.

And I also I read in toytown germany forums, that getting birth certificate for the child kid could be problematic due to buerocratic reasons, if the marriage status is not updated. So, your advice will be very helpful to me. Thanks in advance.
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Antwort #5 - 12.01.2013 um 18:34:23
City Registration = Einwohnermeldeamt. If they don't trust your marriage certifcate there, they have to verify it. The Standesamt isn't allowed to help them. Nevertheless your wife should have a birth certificate, the Standesamt will need it if a child will be born. Talk to Standesamt before your child is born and there's time enough to care for papers you need.
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Antwort #6 - 12.01.2013 um 18:34:50
lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
but they just asked me to visit Standesamt.

reason is: it is easier for them to let other authorities check your marriage than to do it by themselves.

however: if your marriage certificate is from india, then it might be not accepted without check by a "trusted attorney".

lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
How do i find where Einwohnermeldeamt for dortmund is located


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Antwort #7 - 12.01.2013 um 18:38:35
lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
So is it enough, if i just update my marriage status in Einwohnermeldeamt? 

That should be enough. They shoud not have sent you to standesamt.
lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
How do i find where Einwohnermeldeamt for dortmund is located

you can go to any of the listed offices, just check the opening hours.


lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
I have my original marriage certificate and also a certified translation of it with me.

That should be ok.

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Si taus vilat einisses

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Antwort #8 - 12.01.2013 um 19:27:02
Tina05 schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:34:23:
The Standesamt isn't allowed to help them...

Natürlich darf das Standesamt für die Meldebehörde die Heiratsurkunde und die ausländische Eheschließung prüfen.
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Antwort #9 - 12.01.2013 um 22:51:00
lilacsunbird schrieb am 12.01.2013 um 18:14:24:
So is it enough, if i just update my marriage status in Einwohnermeldeamt?

And then apply (a letter with the form for this is enough) with your wife at Finanzamt for Lohnsteuerklasse III/V. If you just update you maritial status you will be put in IV / IV
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Antwort #10 - 14.02.2013 um 00:01:23
hello lilacsunbird, I'll tell my story, may be it will help in your case too.

As my wife rejoined me in Germany in the scope of the family reunion procedure (it was in the beginning of 2012), the first place we went was Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt, or Meldebehörde, or Meldestelle, is all the same). I said that now my wife is gonna live with me in the same flat, they've registered her and assigned the same address as I had. After all I asked them to change my taxation class but they refused to do it, they said "we do not do it anymore here, and you have to go directly to the Finanzamt". So, I took our marriage certificate and went to the Finanzamt, where I have filled in a special form with the information about me, my wife and something else (may be I've provided the date of the marriage, and the date when my wife arrived to Germany, don't remember now exactly). And I have shown them the marriage certificate, they took copy of it. After that they made changes in my taxation card (Lohnsteuerkarte).

The important thing is that in order to make my marriage certificate valid in Germany, I hat to put a special seal on it yet in Russia, where we've married, which is called "Apostille". This seal with some information included is a confirmation for authorities of other contries that the document can be used abroad. So the certificate which i've shown in Finanzamt was actually the German translation of the mariage certificate together with the Apostille. The translation was done in Germany by a so called "beglaubigte Übersetzer".

So my advise - try to go directly to Finanzamt and ask them if they are gonna be satisfied with your marriage certificate and change your taxation class. I don't understand why it is necessary to do all the deal through the Standesamt.
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Antwort #11 - 26.02.2013 um 04:43:25
mmaestro schrieb am 14.02.2013 um 00:01:23:
So my advise - try to go directly to Finanzamt and ask them if they are gonna be satisfied with your marriage certificate and change your taxation class. I don't understand why it is necessary to do all the deal through the Standesamt.

The advice of mmaestro is good, if you JUST want to change your tax-class. For everything else (for example: start a new account at the bank for you two together) it is MUCH easier to discuss the status of marriage when you have a German paper. Not all of us speak English. So: While your status of marriage does not need a German "upgrade" (something like that does not exist. You are married. Full stop. Not "married" as if we would have two classes of marriage) you will have less problems with German papers - and just some smaller problems to get those. To need a birth certificate is just one of those ...
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Antwort #12 - 08.04.2017 um 14:08:28
hello everyone here
in relation with this topic i had married a german last february in Denmark after coming back to germany i went to the Einwohnermeldamt registered my self and my wife as married and got tax III from finanzamt and all was ok then went to standesamt to convert my danish marriage to german one was told to legalisate my danish marriage certificate with apostill and my birth certificate from my home country Morocco but the problem was in ABH my 90 days visa that i get from my student resendicy card from romanian is over
and i want to go to ABH to ask for aufenthalts i have everything done german marriage certificate versicherung A1 certificate
would someone help me in this ?
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Antwort #13 - 08.04.2017 um 16:32:22
Go back to Romania and apply for family reunion visa at the german embassy.
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