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Fortsetzung Studium - derzeit Duldung (Gelesen: 2.702 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

I love i4a

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Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: Ghana
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Fortsetzung Studium - derzeit Duldung
02.04.2007 um 17:19:11
I came to Germany in 2002 to study Physics(lectures in English ) and had problem with the course.I was denied the extention of my staying permit and my lawyer called the foreign office to ask how best they can help me or what are the other options inorder to solve my problem.The man responsible for my file at the foreign office ,assured the lawyer through the telephone that ,I can either go to another city to continue studying there or change and do something else.I then started a course at the studienkolleg and after sending then the Zulassung from the studienkolleg kolleg ,they still denied me staying permit saying I have change the purpose of the coming here.I have therefore made an appeal at the Vw court and got a Duldung today when the grenzübertrittbescheinigung they gave me since November last year and extending every month.
Do I have a chance of changing my status from Duldung to aufenthalt erlaubnis if I start studying again in October ?
What are my chances incase the court will like to decide on my case before I complete in 3 months time?
You can send me e-mail if you want :  dannobs@gmail.com
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I love i4a

Beiträge: 2
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: Ghana
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Help Please
Antwort #1 - 02.04.2007 um 17:13:43
I came to Germany in 2002 to study Physics(lectures in English ) and had problem with the course.I was denied the extention of my staying permit and my lawyer called the foreign office to ask how best they can help me or what are the other options inorder to solve my problem.The man responsible for my file at the foreign office ,assured the lawyer through the telephone that ,I can either go to another city to continue studying there or change and do something else.I then started a course at the studienkolleg and after sending then the Zulassung from the studienkolleg kolleg ,they still denied me staying permit saying I have change the purpose of the coming here.I have therefore made an appeal at the Vw court and got a Duldung today when the grenzübertrittbescheinigung they gave me since November last year and extending every month.
Do I have a chance of changing my status from Duldung to aufenthalt erlaubnis if I start studying again in October ?
What are my chances incase the court will like to decide on my case before I complete in 3 months time?
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #2 - 02.04.2007 um 17:30:48
Ich hab das hierher verschoben und zusammengefasst.

Please no crosspostings!
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Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
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Antwort #3 - 02.04.2007 um 19:49:17
sankofa schrieb am 02.04.2007 um 17:19:11:
I came to Germany in 2002 to study Physics(lectures in English ) and had problem with the course.I was denied the extention of my staying permit and my lawyer called the foreign office to ask how best they can help me or what are the other options inorder to solve my problem.The man responsible for my file at the foreign office ,assured the lawyer through the telephone that ,I can either go to another city to continue studying there or change and do something else.I then started a course at the studienkolleg and after sending then the Zulassung from the studienkolleg kolleg ,they still denied me staying permit saying I have change the purpose of the coming here.I have therefore made an appeal at the Vw court and got a Duldung today when the grenzübertrittbescheinigung they gave me since November last year and extending every month.
Do I have a chance of changing my status from Duldung to aufenthalt erlaubnis if I start studying again in October ?

Maybe. What is the full text of the Verwaltungsgericht decision?

By the way, get a new lawyer. The Foreign Office cannot help with permits to be issued in Germany but only with visas to be issued in German Consulates abroad.

Where can you enroll without knowing German?

Regards, ULF
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Danny Boy I Love U

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Antwort #4 - 02.04.2007 um 23:03:20
ulf schrieb am 02.04.2007 um 19:49:17:
Where can you enroll without knowing German?

Regards, ULF

die neuen englischsprachigen masterstudiengänge erfordern keine deutsch kenntnisse. allerdings verzweifle ich dass die in 2000 schon eingeführt waren.

@sankofa your story is a bit confusing. studienkolleg is usually attended before getting admitted to start a course at the university. so how could you do things conversely?
you enrolled for studying physics and got i assume a resident permit that was called back then "Aufenthaltsbewilligung" right? usually there's a certain time or semesters where you are supposed to complete your study before the foreign office starts asking you for a "studienverlaufbescheinigung" i.e. a certificate where that shows your process. so from what you wrote i guess this was why you got problems extending your stay permit.
what i dont understand is the whole trouble you went through to get a Duldung. Why didnt you simply switch to another course (Studiumwechsel) engineering or something and informed the foreign office of that. Of course they may have some comments on this but i think you would've got your permit extended.
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Knowledge is Power
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Je ne regrette rien!

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Antwort #5 - 03.04.2007 um 07:21:34
sonic schrieb am 02.04.2007 um 23:03:20:
die neuen englischsprachigen masterstudiengänge

Sind eigentlich egal, wenn er bereits eine Duldung besitzt.

Und ich bitte darum wieder zur Boardsprache deutsch zurückzukehren Zwinkernd
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