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letter from kreishaus (Gelesen: 1.693 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

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03.08.2006 um 21:41:26
Hai Geert again,I got a letter from the kreishaus today;

Antrag ihrer ehefrau Arlyn Aguilar geb.01-01-1962 auf erteilung eines visums zur familienzusammenfurung

Sehr geehrten herr bakker,
ihre ehefrau Arlyn Aguilar hat bei der deutsche botschaft in Manila ein visum zur familienzusammenfurung beantragt.
im rahmen der visumeirteilung habe ich gem. 31 abs. 1 nr. 1 aufenhaltsverordnung meine zustimmung zur visumeirteilung zu eirteilen.
zum weiteren bearbeitung benotige ich daher folgende unterlagen;
lohn/gehaltsabrechnung der letze 3 monaten.
im eigenen interesse bitte ich moglichst um kurzfristige erledigung.

So I hope we are soon together,the embassy can follow up this advise,isn''t it?
But for more surely.my wife bring the marriage-certificate to Netherland-embassy for legalisation,than the German-embassy trust her more.
And they nave more surely about her indentity(you know her problems)
Mayby have otherone more advise?
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Junior Top-Member

i love i4a

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Antwort #1 - 04.08.2006 um 21:06:34
Hi Geert: In my opinion the letter that you have received means nothing. They only say, that they will work on your application.

However, as you say by yourself, a legalization of the marriage certificate by the Duch Embassy would certainly be helpful. I don't know whether it is diffcult to get your marriage registered in the Netherlands. If this happens you should be able to get the visa straight away.

That's my feeling anyway. I don't know the law in all details.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Geschlecht: male

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Staatsangehörigkeit: dutch
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Antwort #2 - 04.08.2006 um 22:36:57
Thanks Bamthwok for your attention to my case.
I have talk whit SOLVIT again,they said also; whit Legalisered Marriage-certificate
has my wife more rights,because the German-Embassy trust her than.
And to get a Legal Capacity to marriage before,The Netherland-Embassy did not talk about the birth-single certificate of my wife.
Eventually can the German-embassy contacted whit the Netherland-embassy for information,usually the follow the same semilar.
I call the German-Embassy to talk about this(also advise from SOLVIT).
But I try to be patienly,because all this procedures needs time.
You hear more later.Geert.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: dutch
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Antwort #3 - 06.08.2006 um 16:22:07
Okey Bamthwok and others,the last e-mail SOLVIT,
Dear mr.Bakker,

I am not really sure whether it will be help to legalise the marriage-certificate whit the Dutch-embassy as it still the birthecertificate that is mainly causing the problems.
In addition,the Dutch-embassy may also need some time to legalise the marriage-certificate,whit means that your wife will not be able to hand in the necessary at the Germy-embassy right now.
Still, if your wife birth-certificate has already been accepted by Dutch-embassy before the marriage it may come usefull to tell this the German-embassy.
If the Dutch-embassy has followed a similar procedure to check the authenticy as the German-embassy does,mayby this can help to shorten the procedure.
However,in the end it is the German-embassy that decides whether this can help,
so I can only advise you to contact them directily in this issue.

This is the mail from SOLVIT.
But I think now,legalisered the contrakt is the solution from this problem.
I have reading the requirements to married in the Phils at the german-Netherlands-embassies,its the same similar,only the NL-embassy legalisered Marriage-certificates.
I call the German-embassy this week to tell this.
I am sorry Bamthwok for disturb you again,but I like to know your opinion about this.Geert.
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i love i4a

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Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: letter from kreishaus
Antwort #4 - 06.08.2006 um 17:32:41
Hi Geert, my opinion is very clear on that. With a legalized (and maybe in the Netherlands registered) marriage certificate in hand. the German Embassy should not check the legality of the marriage certificate again.

Unfortunately, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know the details on how to treat your case. I only use common sense.

However, my thinking is that the papers would be o.k. for the Netherlands, so they should be o.k. for Germany, too.

If the German Embassy does not accept the documents the only argument they have in hand is that your wife was never in the Netherlands before.

But I really don't know. I wish you good luck!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: dutch
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Antwort #5 - 06.08.2006 um 18:41:34
Thank you very ,very much Bamthwok for your cleary answer and advise me.

Yes,you have right,to get a legal-capacity in EU-embassies in Phils,they have the same similar.
Only after marriage,the Netherland-embassy does extra checking whit legalise this
kind of documents.

I am almost sure this is the solution about my wife''s visa-problems for Germany.
I thank you and let you know about the futher processing.
But the legalise processing is 20day''s.
So its waiting,but thanks.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: dutch
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: letter from kreishaus
Antwort #6 - 06.08.2006 um 18:46:30
Sorry,but my wife has never visit a other Country before,they are very poor.
mayby so as you know.
I can really better sleeping now.
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