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Remonstration gegen National Visum (Gelesen: 204 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 2

munich, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich bin selbst Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: China
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Remonstration gegen National Visum
15.09.2024 um 18:01:38
Hello everyone.
Background: I am from China with phd degree in chemistry. and i did 4 year postdoc in swiss and austria, me and my wife both hold B1 level german language but we dont hae a long-term permit in Austria or Swiss.  I got a offer in germany as engineer in early 2024 in a middle-size scientific instument company.
Problem: Me and my wife has applied Blue Card visa for employment(familiy visa for her), which get rejected with § 53 AufenthG. It is really strange since we both hold good non-criminal record (Strafregisterbescheinigung). Only reason in my mind is that due to political reason, they have concern with high-educated people from China. (My leader got call from some safety department for investigation, and he told me he did a good answer).  But I am not involved with any sensitive project or millitary service, I am not sure how they made the dicision. We submit a remonstration 4 weeks ago with a clear explainaiton of my former experience/project and job description. I also provide more materials such as support letter from my former collabrator professor and the company as well as language certificate and social integration (local activities and volunteer in Austria). According to my feedback, the embassy would re-evaluate my applicaiton with a new officer.
question: 1) I know Remonstration is like case by case, but How much chance do I get here and how long it could last. I dont want to behave to pushy by sending email to embassy weekly. But I do have some stress now. 2) if the worst case (knock the wood), can i still apply such as ChanceKarte for onboarding? or they will just reject me to enter germany?

many thanks

ps: i think it is really stupid policy or inproper way to block man with high academic backgrould like me to contribute to germany. As least in my case, they didnt evaluate me properly, I dont think i deserve to be treated with § 53 AufenthG as i am a terrorist. and how should i contact some officer/congressman to further share my opionion?
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